In the stillness of today

41 Weeks 3 days

Moment of utter honestly...all I've heard from the beginning is that I will be so ready for it to be over by 40 weeks. I've really struggled with sharing this because I completely believe every mother's experience with pregnancy is beautiful, valid, sacred, and her own story upon which only *some* notes of the pregnancy experience come to surface as universal for us all. I simply have not been able to relate to the sentiment that this pregnancy must end soon or I'll loose it. I have never felt better in the last 10 months. I'm sleeping better than I have in weeks, I'm not in discomfort, I love all of Muncksters movements and talking with him about his timing in when he's ready to enter this world in the flesh. My spirit is calm and contented for my body to begin labor at exactly the moment it's ready and not before. I've never loved and appreciated my body as much as I do now. I feel more love for my husband and family each day, I feel balanced and joyous! Perhaps I've settled in a little too comfortably into pregnancy 😅 But I don't truly believe that, because gestation will be exactly as long as God intends it, and simple knowing that and trusting my baby and body has allowed such a HUGE freedom in enjoying these weeks and cherishing them whole heartedly. These extra weeks have allowed for more prayer time, more walks with my sweet Mom, more rest, more opportunities to lift hands in praise to my Creator as he orders all of life in His time. This is my story, and I know it will not resound with many women who have had a rough go of pregnancy, and my prayers are truly with you. I think there is so much peace in store when we surrender our days to God and just do the little tasks he gives us with great love, great determination. This too shall pass, and you can bet I'll be posting something in the future about painful nursing and sleep deprivation, anxiety and the woes of my commitment to cloth diapers rather than disposable.... But for today I have nothing but utter gratitude to my Father for His great Mercies and strength in abundance for those who seek Him 🖤


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